
Welcome to the Wiki Wacky Covid news factory!

Do you remember when we were in lockdown, already 3 years ago? You certainly must remember about reading strange "news" circling on the internet, like that drinking hand disinfectant could kill the virus in the body, or that a certain billionaire put microchips in the vaccines... Of course some of them were so outlandish that were impossible to believe, but other news were perfectly credible – Vitamin C cures covid, Covid remains in the body permanently. Anyways these news or conspiracy theories were (and still are) a source of interest for a lost of us. How do we inform ourselves about them? For most of us the main source of general information is Wikipedia, which strives to be a neutral platform vigilant against misinformation. For this reason a page is never explicitly labelled as “fake”, but we can still cluster articles related to a certain Fake news topic and analyse its page view count in a certain period of time. As such, page visits of properly clustered articles are a powerful tool to monitor interest related to a specific fake news, and whether it was used by users as a resource to fact check, or a way to go deeper down the rabbit hole doesn’t matter. In this project, we want to evaluate the usefulness of Wikipedia as a tool for studying misinformation.

Read below for an outline of our investigation.

How Hot Were Dem Fake News?

During the period of interest (lockdown of 2020) with respect to the other years, is there a statistically significant increase in views for pages related to fake news compared to other articles in Wikipedia? It's interesting to investigate what this tells us about the public’s interests: can we differentiate the increase in fake news interest from the general increase in traffic to wikipedia during the lockdown period? And what about Covid-related news?

Image from https://www.cnet.com/science/features/wikipedia-is-at-war-over-the-coronavirus-lab-leak-theory/

Wiki, Wiki, Wiki, Are You Actually Useful?

We want to analyse fake news published during the covid lockdown and prove correlation between fake news publication and wikipedia pageview count increase. Can we identify a storyline of interest towards different Fake News topics?

Image from https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/12/well/covid-vaccine-misinformation.html

Covid Fake News World Tour

Which languages shared the most in common during their coverage of Fake News during the COVID crisis? What topics were they most interested in? Lastly, what are the cultural differences or overlaps?

Image from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/information-overload-helps-fake-news-spread-and-social-media-knows-it/

Learn about our analysis